And Working backwards...
Now a retired software engineer, having previously worked in the education sector.
I did spend a short time after University teaching ICT and working in the Biology Labs.
Prior to this I had been a mature student at Leeds University studying Ecology.
Up to going to Uni my working life had been mostly in the motor industry.
Or way more over here!Well; mainly this website! Being a Sisyphean Project (never finished). Also some woodworking projects etc. As of 2023 learning Astro.
More details here...A whole eclectic mix here...
A stack of stuff related to my degree in Ecology and Biology. Especially human evolution and the emergence of consciousness.
Strongly related to the above I have a strong interest in computer programming. At Leeds University my final year project was a simple computer model for the population dynamics of the Madagascar hissing cockroach. Which lead to a complete change of career into that of a senior software engineer. So on to C#, Python, AI follow it over here...